To allow the youths in God’s kingdom to experience Him, in their social, spiritual, educational, and emotional lives, so that they can take up important leadership positions in our home, church, and society.
By precept and example-we will teach our youth to be committed servants of God that are disciplined and well trained and properly prepared to effectively do their jobs. Build youth self esteem and character, so they can become a group of young people that are connected to God, free to worship God, and know that they are full of purpose by forming groups that cater to both the teen girls and boys. Teach our youth to seek the Lord while He may be found. To call upon Him while He is near-through prayer, worship and the Word. Build unity and fellowship among youth/youth leaders by scheduling activities outside of CMBC. Allow our youth to express themselves through worship and arts.
Youth Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Every 1st & 2nd SAT 11:00AM
Youth Praise Dance Practice (Wilson Annex)
Every 1st and 2nd SAT 9:00AM
Youth Ushers meeting (Sanctuary)
Every 2ND SAT 10:00AM